Sonda Petrochemical Equipment Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of composite hoses in China. We locate in Xiamen, a beautiful coastal city in south-eastern China and a major port which serves as a base of many international big brand companies such as ABB, DELL, LINDE, KODAK and KINGLONG BUS.
At Sonda, we apply the latest knowledge and state of the art technology to engineer our products to the highest quality standard. And We are glade to inform you that Sonda has achieved EN13765:2003 certificate, which is an International Standard for Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of hydrocarbons, solvents and chemicals.
We continuously improving our products and services to ensure we maintain our quality leadership status - both nationally and internationally. Please feel free to contact us with any inquires, feedbacks or special requirements that you may have.
Company History
2002 Xiamen Jiesenma Petrochemical Equipment Co, Ltd. was founded, mainly to import foreign advanced products, equipment to serve Chinese petroleum and chemical industrial enterprises
2003 Xiamen Jiesenma established Guangzhou JOLAC Petrochemical Equipment Co, Ltd. in Guangzhou with Malaysia's largest hose supplier JOLAC, providing composite hoses and related services for petrochemical enterprises from the PRD(Pearl River Delta)
2004 Being the distributors of United Kingdom SENIONS FLEXONICS (now: ARMINTEC company, the inventor of composite hose), Netherland GUTTELING in China;
2006 Xiamen Jolac Petrochemical Equipment Co, Ltd. Has been founded., introducing from European technology, processing to start the production of "NOVAFLEX" composite hose in Xiame
2008 Full range of products of NOVAFLEX has been certificated by the international European standard EN13765, and has begun to supply it globally.
2009 GB/T I9001-2008/ISO 90,001:2008 quality management system certification has been gained.
2010 Getting the NOVAFLEX trademark registration
2010 NOVAFLEX composite hoses have been successfully certificated and tested by the following professional third-party organizations:
1. China Classification Society(CCS)
2. Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Rubber Hose and Coated Fabric
Products in the Chemical Industry - the top class of testing organization in
China on composite hoses
3. Xiamen Products Quality Supervision & Inspection Institute
2011 Based on full understanding and implementation of EN13765, we have gained two Utility Patents: composite hose fittings and composite hose structure, through technique research independently, promotion and innovation,
2011 Being the member of PEI, the International Association of Chemical Equipment
2010 Joining the Branch of China Association of Ports
2012 Trademark Registration of SONDAFLEX
2013 Nova officially launched series of aviation hoses for Aerospace Satellite services and be purchased by Aerospace Equipment Plant
2014 Prepared the draft of “Composite Hose and Composite Hose Assemblies”for the branch of China Association of Ports, and approved by the council. consideration of the General Assembly by consensus. This becomes China's first standard on composite hoses and assembly
2014 NOVAFLEX food grade composite hose became the first one which gained Food-health certification in China
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